A Selection of Narrative Works


It’s thrilling to paint these otherworldly, sculptural and primordial icebergs, that so many have immortalized in art. The iridescent green color that’s visible just beneath water surface, the result of the ice filtering out the red light, and iron oxides filtering out the blue. Green is what’s left to escape as refracted sunlight re-emerges from the iceberg.

Sadly, icebergs are also an omen of our planet in distress. Global warming is causing the melting and break-up of glaciers, ice sheets and sea ice along the Antarctic continent, in the Arctic Ocean and across Greenland. As a result, icebergs are being released into the seas at a greater rate, where their fate is to drift, shatter and melt. Studies of their ice cores have revealed a visible record of Earth’s accelerating temperatures.

These are not the only paintings Bill has made of icebergs. Check these out.

The Deluge, 36"x36", acrylic on canvas

Read and article by Bill about his painting ‘The Deluge’ at the Artists and Climate Change website.