Big Bold New Collages Showing this Friday
See these and more at Bill’s open studio this Friday, June 12, 2015 at Mark Drive Studios, 11 Mark Dr., #18, San Rafael 94903 at 6-8pm.

The Joy in the Small
artThe new black gold spray enamel pieces measure 8" by 8" and immensely affordable.

Art Up at 123 Bolinas
My paintings and prints at 123 Bolinas Wine Bar in Fairfax, California.

Hanger Designs for Ditto
Created these hanger designs for Ditto Hangers of Oakland.

Pictures from the Salon
My paintings hanging in the Siren Salon in San Anselmo, California.

Open Studio Set Up
My studio at Mark Drive Studios.

My Sketchbook is Posted
The Brooklyn-based Sketchbook Project Mobile Library tours the country this summer. If you can't get to see it, here's mine.

Retro Modern Pillows Available
New pillows available for $75. Purchase info here.